  • A linked clone of a SAP system can be performed in the following cases only:
    1. A new VM resides on the same datastore as the source VM hosting the SAP system
    2. A new VM resides on the same datastore cluster as the VM hosting the SAP system and its all virtual disks (VMDK) are located on one datastore in the datastore cluster
  • An SAP system can be cloned to a DRS cluster only.
  • Customization Specifications having the same Guest Operating System type and number of network adapters as the Source Virtual Host are available for SAP system cloning
  • IP configuration can be obtained using DHCP for the first network adapter (NIC) only.
  • SAP systems that are hosted on VMs having only one or two network adapters (NICs) can be provisioned. It is dictated by the corresponding limitation of SAP LaMa UI which allows specifying IP configuration for two network adapters only.
  • For provisioning from virtual host template, a cloned system hostname must be resolvable to an IP address before executing the operation.
  • Network interfaces bonding is not supported by vCenter Server Customization Specifications. Currently, if the source system has a bond interface (2+ interfaces bonded to 1), it will also be present on the destination system after the vCenter Server Clone operation. In order to apply a vCenter Server Customization Specification, a user should choose the specification which contains the same number of network adapters and not the same number of bond interfaces. That is the reason the destination system contains the same bond interface with the same IP address as the source system. vCenter Server applies the provided Customization Specification on the slave interfaces which are not being used outside the bond as far as they are connected to it. As a result, the configuration on the destination system is not changed as intended.
  • If a standalone datastore is in the maintenance mode or just entering the mode, it is unavailable for the operation and cannot be chosen as a target datastore in operation dialogs.
  • If there are no datastores in a datastore cluster (i.e. it is empty), the datastore cluster is unavailable for the operation and cannot be chosen as a target datastore in operation dialogs.
  • Virtual host can be migrated between DRS clusters only.
  • Virtual host can be migrated inside one vCenter Server only.
  • If a standalone datastore is in the maintenance mode or just entering the mode, it is unavailable for the operation and cannot be chosen as a target datastore in operation dialogs.
  • If there are no datastores in a datastore cluster (i.e. it is empty), the datastore cluster is unavailable for the operation and cannot be chosen as a target datastore in operation dialogs.
  • If there are blueprints for System Clone or System Copy, then turning on the network migration feature makes the blueprints non-functioning until the feature is turned off.
  • If a blueprint is created when the network migration feature is on, then turning off the feature makes the blueprints non-functioning until the feature is turned on again.
  • If there is a blueprint for System Clone or System Copy created before the product release and the blueprint references datastores that are in SDRS-enabled datastore clusters, then the blueprints become non-functioning until the datastore cluster support is turned off (the feature is on by default).
  • If a blueprint is created when the datastore cluster support feature is on and it references to a datastore cluster, then turning off the feature makes the blueprints non-functioning until the feature is turned on again.
Provisioning templates
  • If there is a provisioning template for System Clone or System Copy created prior to product release 1.7 and the template changes networks attached to VM network adapters, then the template will be non-functioning until the network migration feature is turned on (the feature is off by default).
Cross vCenter Migration
  • There is no capability in the product to identify encrypted virtual machines. Thus, the migration of encrypted virtual machines is not supported.
  • Only powered off virtual machines can be migrated across vCenter Servers.