Deactivation is a Non-Forced operation that causes a graceful shut down of the SAP system and also the operating system. Deactivate is a Non-Forced operation that causes a graceful shut down of the SAP system, the operating system and then the virtual machine.
Figure 1. Deactivation / Deactivate



  1. Select the SAP system
  2. Click the Deactivate fly-out button on the menu bar.
  3. Now Click the Deactivation (OS Shutdown) or Deactivate (Power Off) option in the drop down menu depending on the operation that you intend to execute.
  4. For some Non-Forced operations like Deactivate or Suspend, LaMa may perform stop and unprepared operation for the SAP systems and will prompt for confirmation.
    Figure 2. Operations Optionsd

  5. Upon confirmation the host will be marked as locked until the end of the operation.
    Figure 3. Host Marked Locked until end of operation


Deactivation operation causes a graceful shut down of the SAP system and also the operating system. On the other hand, Deactivate operation causes a graceful shut down of the SAP system, the operating system and then the virtual machine too.