The first step is to log into the VLA Appliance via the console. Since SSH is disabled by default, you must use the console. The root login for VLA has been removed. You add a new admin user (non root user with sudo privileges) using the steps mentioned below :

  1. Select the new VLA Appliance object in thevSphere Web Client, switch to the summary tab, and select Launch Remote Console.

  2. A new browser window or tab should open. The VLA console should be available. Login using the console username and password that you provided when you deployed the VLA.

    VMware Adapter for SAP Landscape Management 
    Copyright (c) 2015-2018 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. 
    vla31 login: 
  3. Execute the “sudo –s” command to enable yourself to run programs with security privileges of the root or superuser. You are prompted to enter your password.

    # sudo -s
  4. Use the useradd command to add a new non-root user with sudo privileges. Choose an appropriate username for the new user you are trying to add.

    useradd –m –d /home/<username> -s /bin/bash –c “<description of user account>” –G users,wheel <username>
  5. Set a password for the new user you just added using the passwd command. You need to enter the password twice following which you get the “Password Changed” prompt.

    # passwd <username>
    # New password: 
    # Retype new password: