This error occurs when adding/modifying VMware vRealize Orchestrator or vCenter Server connection

Figure 1. Certificate check error

Possible reason: The Certificate Checker checks the server's certificate. If it finds an error, it will prevent the addition of the VMware vRealize Orchestrator or vCenter Server connection to the appliance.

The most common reason for this error is that the VMware vRealize Orchestrator or vCenter Server is using its default certificate. To change this default use, you have the option of regenerating the server certificate and trying to add the server to the appliance.

You also have the option to override the Certificate Checker by using the -f flag of the vla_credentials script. To add a VMware vRealize Orchestrator or vCenter Server connection at the command line, use this command, where ServerType is vco or vcenter:

vla_credentials -a -f –s ServerType -u Username -n FQDN_of_server 

For example, this command would be for a VMware vRealize Orchestrator connection:

# vla_credentials –a –f –s vco –u [email protected] -n