You can display all the vCenter Server connections that are configured by running the command:

# vla_credentials -l

For example:

# vla_credentials -l
ID    Schema & port   Hostname             User                          Server Type   Associated servers   Certificate validation     Hostname validation
vc0   https:443   [email protected]   vcenter       -                    use a stored certificate   enabled
vc1   https:443        [email protected]   vcenter       -                    enabled                    disabled

Add a vCenter Server Connection

To add a new vCenter Server onto the vla-service, run the command:

# vla_credentials –a –s vcenter –n <FQDN> -u <user> [-A <vCO_id>][-f]

  <FQDN> - vCenter server FQDN.
  <user> – Administrator user for vCenter.
  <vCO_id> – vCenter Orhestration ID on VMware LaMa Service.
  [-f] – Using force mode, for ignore validation certificate.

Working with Namespaces

While working with store-related operations like add, modify, delete, list, test connection, count entries the -N flag can be used to explicitly select a namespace to be operated within. For example, a user will need to specify the namespace or the service type to delete, test or list entries.


A namespace is being selected automatically if a service type (-s) is specified (vcenter, vco => vla; lvm, vla => sa). In this case the specification of an namespace via this parameter is not required.

Available values to be used with -N flag:


Contains VMware vCenters and VMware vRO configuration entries to be used by vla-server (default value)


Contains SAP LaMA and VMware VLA configuration entries to be used by sa-server

Show further commandline options uning -h

# vla_credentials -h

Some examples:

# vla_credentials -a -s vcenter -n vcenter.example.local -u 'DOMAIN_ALIAS\user' -A vco1 -P https:443
# vla_credentials -a -s vcenter -n vcenter.example.local -u '\user' -A vco1 -P https:443
# vla_credentials -a -s vcenter -n vcenter.example.local -u [email protected] -A vco1 -P https:443
# vla_credentials -a -s vcenter -n vcenter.example.local -u user -A vco1 -P https:443
# vla_credentials -a -s vco -n vco.example.local -u user -P https:8281