To install, the adapter LaMa VM should be running Windows Server. Before you perform the installation, ensure that the LaMa is running. The installation of the adapter is done in 2 phases:

  1. Download the adapter file to the LaMa VM from the dashboard

  2. Install the adapter with the deploy command

Download the Adapter

  1. Log into the LaMa VM and launch a browser window.

  2. Enter the URL for the LaMa Service Dashboard, for example:

    https://%3Cvla%20hostname%3E:8443/vla/dashboard, where <vla_hostname> is the FQDN or IP address of VLA.

  3. You may be prompted with a certificate warning, just accept the warning and proceed to the dashboard-landing page.

  4. The dashboard should be displayed after you enter the LaMa Service username and password.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard page

  6. Click VMware Adapter for LaMa.

    1. if prompted for a directory for the download, specify


    2. If you are not for a directory for the download, after downloading the file, move it to the directory


  7. Verify that the adapter file VMwareLVM.ear file is in the scripts directory

Install the Adapter

  1. Right click on the Windows start icon and open a command prompt with administrative rights.

  2. At the C: prompt change directory to C:\usr\sap\<SID>\J<Instance>\j2ee\deployment\scripts

  3. Run the following command:

    make_SDA.bat VMwareLVM.ear
  4. Use the deploy command to deploy the adapter to LaMa - for example,

    deploy <user>:<password>@localhost:50004 ..\SDA\VMwareLVM.ear
    Usage: deploy <user>:<password>@<host>:<port> <ear file> [-no_start]
    <user>	User with administrators' rights.
    <password>	Password for this user.
    <host>	Target AS Java host.
    <port>	Target P4 port.
    <ear file>	Path to archive.
    [-no_start]	Deployed modules are not started.