Download and run the latest version of the App Volumes installer to upgrade your App Volumes Manager.

Note the following points about upgrading App Volumes:

  • You can upgrade from App Volumes 2.12 to the latest version without uninstalling the 2.12 installation.

    In App Volumes releases prior to 2.12, you had to uninstall the App Volumes Manager installation on your machine before you could upgrade to the latest version. Thus App Volumes Manager configuration details and settings were not retained and you had to reconfigure them. With the new upgrade feature, you can upgrade to the latest version without losing your settings.


    If you want to upgrade from a version earlier than App Volumes 2.12, you must uninstall that version before installing the latest version.

  • If you want to upgrade multiple App Volumes Managers which point to a central database, open services.msc and stop the App Volumes Manager service on each server. You must then run the installer on each server to upgrade App Volumes.


  • Download the latest App Volumes installer from My VMware.

  • Schedule a maintenance window to ensure that there is no service degradation during the upgrade process.

  • Detach all volumes.

  • In the Windows Start menu, open Control Panel and click Administrative Tools > ODBC data source. Note down the database and server name defined in the system ODBC source svmanager.

  • Back up the App Volumes database using SQL Server tools.

  • Create a full server back up or snapshot of the App Volumes Manager server.


  1. Log in as administrator on the machine where App Volumes Manager is installed.
  2. Locate the App Volumes installer that you downloaded and double-click the setup.exe file.
  3. Select the App Volumes Manager component and click Install.

    A notification window with the upgrade process details is displayed.

  4. Click Next to confirm the upgrade.
  5. Click Install to begin the installation.

    A Status Bar shows the progress of the installation. The installation process takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. During this time, configuration information is first backed-up, new files are installed, and the configuration information is restored.

  6. Click Finish to complete the installation.


App Volumes Manager is upgraded.


All certificates that you had previously configured are retained and you do not need to reconfigure them.

What to do next

Upgrade the App Volumes agent and templates. See Upgrade App Volumes Templates and Upgrade App Volumes Agent.