App Volumes agent runs batch script files either when an AppStack or a Writable Volume is attached dynamically or at various points during system startup and login.

The baseline configuration is defined in the AppStack and writable volume template. Not all batch script files are present by default, only the scripts present on the volume are executed.
Note: Script filenames are case-sensitive.
Script Name Execution Trigger Event Execution Context
prestartup.bat Before virtualizing a Writable Volume or an AppStack.

Applications are not available to the user at this stage.

System context
startup.bat After virtualizing a Writable Volume or an AppStack, but before services from that Writable Volumeor the AppStack have started. System context
startup_postsvc.bat After virtualization has started for a Writable Volume or an AppStack and after services from that Writable Volume or AppStack have started. System context
logon.bat After virutalizing a Writable Volume or an AppStack but before services from that Writable Volume or AppStack have started. User context
logon_postsvc.bat After virtualization has started for a Writable Volume or an AppStack and after services from the Writable Volume or AppStack have started. User context
shellstart.bat After virtualization has started for a Writable Volume or an AppStack and after user shell has started but before the services from that Writable Volume or AppStack have started. User context
shellstop.bat During logoff processing before virtualization has stopped for all the Writable Volumes and AppStacks. User context
logoff.bat During logoff processing after virtualization has stopped for all the Writable Volumes and AppStacks User context
shutdown_presvc.bat Called when the computer is shutting down before services are stopped. System context
shutdown.bat Called when the computer is shutting down after services are stopped. System context
allvolattached.bat After virtualization has started for all the AppStacks, assigned to that user. System context
allvolattached_shellstarted.bat After virtualization has started for all the Writable Volumes assigned to that user. User context
post_prov.bat Called at the end of provisioning to perform any one-time steps required at the end of provisioning. Invoked when clicking the provisioning complete pop-up window while the volume is still virtualized. System context
prov_p2.bat Called at phase 2 of the provisioning process after the machine is rebooted, but before App Volumes Manager has been notified that provisioning is complete. This is the last chance to perform any actions on the provisioned volume with virtualization disabled. System context