If you have already created an application package in another App Volumes Manager deployment, you can import the VMDK files of that application package to the current App Volumes Manager deployment. You can use the import functionality to reuse pre-configured third-party application packages.

For each imported package in the target App Volumes Manager instance, an application is created. This results in duplicate applications. If the imported package;s application exists in the target instance, the administrator must manually move all the imported packages to the correct application and then delete the duplicate applications. If the imported package's application does not exist in the target instance, the administrator can choose to use one of the duplicate applications or create an application and then move all the packages to the correct application.

After importing the application package, you can perform the assign and attach activities.


Using the vCenter Server datastore browser, select a datastore, create a folder, and upload the application package to this folder.


  1. From the App Volumes Manager console, navigate to INVENTORY > Applications.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Select the datastore where you have uploaded the application package and enter the path of the application package.
  4. Click Import.
    The current App Volumes Manager deployment lists the imported application package.
  5. Associate the imported packages to their parent application.