To assign a different application package version to an entity that already has an existing assignment, you can update the assignment. The update workflow can be used instead of unassigning an application from an entity and performing the assignment operation all over again.

You can also update the assignment attached to a specific computer by using the Limit delivery for these assignments option. For a better understanding about this option, see Application Assignment to Specific Computers.


You must have already assigned an application package to an entity.


  1. To update an application assignment of an entity, navigate to the application’s details page and review the assignments.
  2. Click the Assign button.
  3. On the Assign Application page, search for the entity whose assignment must be updated.
  4. Select the entity.
  5. Select the Assignment Type.
  6. If the assignment type is Package, then from the Package window, select the desired version of the package that must be assigned to the entity.
  7. (Optional) To update the assignment attached to a specific computer, perform the following:
    1. Select the Limit delivery for these assignments option.
    2. Enter the prefix of the computer name.
      Note: Only those computers whose name starts with the prefix that you have entered, receive the updated assignment.
  8. Click Assign.
  9. On the Confirm Assign window, click Assign.