To deliver an App Volumes application package to an end user, you must assign an application to an entity that belongs to the active directory of your organization.

  • An application can be assigned to a single entity or multiple entities.
  • If you select the assignment type as Marker and the application package is not yet marked CURRENT, the application is assigned to the entity and the assignment type is disabled until a package is marked CURRENT.

    For information about assignment types, see Understanding Assignment Types.

  • In an application, a package set with the CURRENT marker can be assigned to multiple entities.
  • By using the option of limiting delivery of assignments to specific computers, entities can have different application assignments on different computers.

    For more information about this option, see Application Assignment to Specific Computers.


  • Ensure that the status of the entity, to which the application must be assigned, is Available.
  • For the Package assignment type, an application must have at least one package.
  • If you are assigning an MSIX app attach format to an entity, ensure that the certificate which was used while packaging the MSIX is installed on the machine where App Volumes agent is installed.


  1. From App Volumes Manager, go to INVENTORY > Applications.
  2. Select the application to which needs to be assigned to an entity.
  3. Click Assign.
  4. Search the Active Directory for an entity.
  5. Select the entity.
    The Status of the entity must be Available.
  6. Select Assignment Type.
    Option Action
    • If the application has no package or if the package is not yet set with CURRENT marker, application is assigned to the entity and the assignment type is disabled until a package is marked CURRENT.
    • If the package has the CURRENT marker, entity receives the CURRENT package version.
    Select Marker.
    Package Select the package that must be assigned to the entity.
    Note: If the selected package is configured for an On-demand delivery mode, the package attachment occurs only after the end user launches the application's shortcut. This action changes the attachment and attachment count. For more information about this behavior, see the characteristics section in Understanding Package Delivery Modes in App Volumes.
  7. (Optional) To only allow attachment of packages to a specific set of computers based on the computer's name, select Limit delivery for these assignments.
    • This option is available only for non-computer entities (Users, Groups, and OUs).
    1. Enter the prefix of the computer name.
      Packages are only attached to computers whose names start with the prefix specified in the text box.
  8. Click Assign.
  9. On the Confirm Assign window, click Assign.


On the Applications page, assignment details are updated.