You can also upgrade the App Volumes agent silently using the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI).

You perform a silent upgrade using the command line and you do not need to use the App Volumes installer.

For App Volumes agent to validate the App Volumes Manager certificate, you can use the EnforceSSLCertificateValidation parameter.

EnforceSSLCertificateValidation has two values: 0 and 1. By default, the value of this parameter is 1.
  • 1 - Certificate validation is activated
  • 0 - Certificate validation is deactivated


  • Schedule a maintenance window to ensure that there is no service degradation during the uninstall and subsequent upgrade process.
  • Upgrade the App Volumes Manager. See Upgrade App Volumes Manager.
  • Unassign all AppStacks from the target computer where you plan to upgrade the agent.


  1. Open a Windows command prompt on your machine.
  2. In the command prompt, access the App Volumes Agent.msi file location.
  3. To upgrade the agent, use the following command:
    Option Description
    App Volumes 4 Update 1 msiexec.exe /i "App Volumes Agent.msi" /qn MANAGER_ADDR=<Manager_FQDN/IP> MANAGER_PORT=<port> EnforceSSLCertificateValidation=<0or1>
    Note: The following parameters are optional: MANAGER_ADDR, MANAGER_PORT, and EnforceSSLCertificateValidation.
    App Volumes 4 msiexec.exe /i "App Volumes Agent.msi" /qn MANAGER_ADDR=<Manager_FQDN/IP> MANAGER_PORT=<port> EnforceSSLCertificateValidation=<0or1>
    Note: All parameters are mandatory.