You can remove privileges from an Active Directory group by removing the role that was assigned to the group.

Note the following considerations when removing role assignment:
  • If only one group is assigned the Administrators role, you cannot remove the assignment because at least one administrator role must be always assigned to a group.
  • If you remove the assignment of a custom role, you are only removing the assignment of that role and not the role itself.
  • If you belong to one of the App Volumes Manager roles and remove the assignment of the role to the group to which you belong to, you and all other users of that group cannot log into App Volumes Manager again.

    As a workaround, any user with appropriate role privileges can reassign the role back to the group.


  1. From App Volumes Manager, go to CONFIGURATION > Admin Roles.
    A list of groups and associated roles is displayed.
  2. Select the group for which you want to remove the role and click Remove.
  3. Confirm the removal and click Remove.