You can configure svdriver with registry keys and optionally by configuring the values in the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\svdriver\Parameters registry key.

Configure svdriver with the following registry keys:

Registry Key Type Description
AllowInstallerModification REG_DWORD When the value is 0, an end user is not allowed to modify, update, or uninstall an application, which is either installed on the base image or delivered as an application package, from Add or remove programs in the Control Panel.

By default, the value of the registry key is 0.

When the value is 1, the user is allowed to modify, update, or uninstall the applications.

For more information about the protection mechanism where an end user is not allowed to perform any of the operations on an application which is installed on the base or delivered as an application package, see Uninstalling Applications: This action is not allowed for application <application_name>.

DriveLetterSettings REG_DWORD The value for DriveLetterSettings is in a hexadecimal format, and any number of flags might be combined to implement multiple parameters.
EnableRegValueMerging REG_DWORD If this value is 1, merge certain registry values such as AppInitDlls across volumes. This action is additive across the volumes.
EnableShortFileName REG_DWORD For legacy AppStacks created earlier than App Volumes 2.3, set this parameter to 0 to deactivate DOS short names.
MinimizeReplication REG_DWORD Configure how changes are preserved in a writable volume. If this value is 1, only changes to data are preserved in a writable volume. If this value is 0, changes to data and file attributes (hidden, Read Only, and, so on) permissions are preserved in writable volume.
ReorderTimeOutInSeconds REG_DWORD Configure the wait time for all volumes to be attached and processed based on Order Precedence set from within App Volumes Manager. The timeout value is in seconds.