An end user is not allowed to modify, update, or uninstall an application, which is either installed on the base image or delivered as an App Volumes application package, from Add or remove programs in the Control Panel. If the user attempts to perform any of these functions, then the following message is displayed: This action is not allowed for application <application_name>. Please contact your administrator.

If the application installer has created shortcuts to modify, update, or uninstall in the Start menu and the application uses MSI installer, then the end user is not allowed to perform any of these operations from the Start menu as well.

Note: Application uninstallers that require an elevated privilege display the UAC ( User Account Control) prompt. After the end user acknowledges the UAC prompt and depending on the value of the registry key, the user is either allowed or not allowed to modify, update, or uninstall the applications.

To turn off this protection mechanism, you can use a registry key, AllowInstallerModification. For more information about the registry key, see Parameters for Configuring svdriver.