By creating an application, you can manage the lifecycle of the packages added to the application.


  1. From App Volumes Manager, go to INVENTORY > Applications and click Create.
  2. Provide the following information and click Create:
    Option Description
    Name Name of the application.
    Description Include the name of the packages or programs the application contains.
    Owner If you want to change the default option, search and select the owner from the available domains in the active directory.
    Package (optional) The App Volumes Manager displays the Packages tab after the application is created.

    If this box is deselected, you must create a package later.

  3. If you want to create a package for the application immediately after the application is created, select the Create a Package box.
    By default, the Create a Package box is selected.
  4. Click Create.
  5. On the Confirm Create Application window, click Create.
    If you have selected the Create a Package box, App Volumes Manager displays the Packages tab after the application is created.

What to do next

Create a package for an application.