You must be aware of the criteria for application synchronization in App Volumes. These criteria are essential for a successful synchronization between a source and target instance.

Following are some of the considerations:
  • Synchronization can be enabled only when both the source and target instances have VMware App Volumes 4, version 2111 or later.
  • Only replicated packages from the source that are imported to the target can be synchronized.
  • Synchronization is unidirectional.

    Synchronization operations can be performed only from a source instance to a target instance.

  • Synchronization for a specific package is not supported.
  • When the Synchronize Markers setting is activated for a target instance, the CURRENT marker of a package on the target instance is synchronized to match the marker status of the corresponding package on the source instance. If the package on the target already has the CURRENT marker set before synchronization, then the marker is changed or removed to match the marker status of the package on the source after synchronization.

    For example: Consider a package, pkgA, marked as CURRENT on the target instance while the same package on the source is not marked CURRENT. When the setting to synchronize markers is activated and pkgA is in a synchronized relationship then the CURRENT marker on pkgA is removed on the target instance. When the package on the source instance is marked as CURRENT then pkgA too has the CURRENT marker after synchronization.

  • When the Synchronize Assignments setting is activated for a target instance, the entitlements of an application on the target are synchronized to match the entitlements of the corresponding application on the source. If the application on the target already has entitlements before synchronization, then the entitlements are changed or removed to match the entitlements of the application on the source after synchronization.

    For example: Consider that a text editor application is in a synchronized relationship on the source and target instances. On the source instance, this application is assigned to an entity testuser1 and on the target, the application is assigned to an entity testuser2. After activating the control setting for assignment synchronization, the application on the target instance is assigned to testuser1 and unassigned from testuser2.

    Note: During assignment synchronization if the entitlements of an application are not valid on a target instance (for example: when an entity, package, or domain does not exist on the target), then such entitlements are not synchronized to the target.
  • Each instance can have multiple source instances and target instances.

    ManagerSrc1 is a source instance. This instance can have multiple target instances such as ManagerTrgt1 and ManagerTrgt2, and so on. ManagerSrc1 can also be added as a target in multiple other source instances such as ManagerSrc2, ManagerSrc3, and so on.

  • Applications and packages created only by that App Volumes instance can be synchronized.

    For example: ManagerX is a source instance; ManagerY is registered as a target on the source instance. ManagerZ is registered as a target on ManagerY. As a result, ManagerY is the source for ManagerZ. Consider a text editor application created on ManagerX. Due to the synchronization relationship between ManagerX and ManagerY, this application is synchronized to ManagerY. However, this application cannot be synchronized to ManagerZ. Consider a video application created on ManagerY. This application can be synchronized to ManagerZ.

  • Applications and packages that are synchronized can only be managed (for example: edit and delete operations, set CURRENT marker, assign, and unassign operations, and so on) by an admin on the source App Volumes instance.
  • Only changes to Enabled packages are synchronized to the target instance.