In a multi-App Volumes Manager environment, after you upgrade App Volumes to the latest version, the first App Volumes Manager is automatically registered. You must then register other manager servers that are already in this environment. Any new manager servers that you add must also be registered.


You must know the address of the registered and unregistered managers.

From the registered App Volumes Manager, go to CONFIGURATION > Managers to identify the unregistered managers.


  1. Enter the IP address of the unregistered manager server https://<unregistered-avm-server-ip-address>/register in a browser.
  2. Log in to the unregistered manager with the username and password of the registered manager, and enter the following information:
    Option Description
    Registered Manager Address Address of the registered manager which also has the latest file encryption version.
    Note: If the first App Volumes Manager is using an IPv6 connection, then you must enter the DNS of the App Volumes Manager.
    Username User name
    Password Password
    Domain Select a domain name from the drop-down menu.
    If you added a manager server after upgrading App Volumes to the latest version, then you are automatically taken to the Register App Volumes Manager Server window.
  3. Click Register.
  4. Verify the certificate information and click Accept to accept the certificate.
    You might see a Untrusted Certificate window, if the security certificate of the manager cannot not be verified. If you reject the certificate, you cannot proceed with the registration.

What to do next

Activate registration security for the App Volumes Manager instance that you just registered. Go to CONFIGURATION > Managers to see the updated status of the managers.