In addition to using the Upload Templates functionality in App Volumes Manager, you can also manually upload .vhd templates to the file share. The use cases for manually uploading templates to the file share is the same as when you use the Upload Templates functionality.

For the uses cases, see Upload Templates.

For information about templates, see Understanding Templates used in App Volumes.


  1. Download the App Volumes ISO.
    In the ISO, .vhd templates are located at Hypervisor\In-Guest VHD\cloudvolumes.
  2. Copy template.vhd from Hypervisor\In-Guest VHD\cloudvolumes\apps\apps_templates and place it in <location of the file share>\appvolumes\packages_templates.
  3. Copy Writable Volume templates from Hypervisor\In-Guest VHD\cloudvolumes\writable\writable_templates and place it in <location of the file share>\appvolumes\writables_templates.
    The .vhd templates can now be used when creating applications packages and Writable Volumes.