You can edit some settings of a Writable Volume, such as specifying whether AppStack attachments should be allowed when volumes are unavailable, and limiting volume attachment to specific computers.

The Name, Filename, and Path text boxes are not editable.


  1. From App Volumes Manager, go to VOLUMES (2.X) > Writables.
    A list of entities is displayed.
  2. Select the user or entity for whom you want to edit the Writable Volume.
    A list of operations that can be performed on the volume is displayed.
  3. Click Edit to update the available settings.
    Option Description
    Exception Resolution Select one of the options to choose how to resolve login issues when Writable Volumes are unavailable for attachments:
    • Disable virtualization and alert user - App Volumes disables all volume virtualization and the user sees an alert upon login.
      Note: You can view the warning message under ACTVITY > System Messages.
    • Block user login - When there is a conflict due to a Writable Volume being attached elsewhere, App Volumes will prevent the user from logging into any additional computers. This will protect users from conflicts that arise when a local profile interferes with their profile on the Writable Volume.
    • Disable virtualization and alert user (errors only) - App Volumes agent will disable all volume virtualization and an alert will be displayed to the user of the desktop.
      Note: Writable Volume conflict is not considered an error. Hence, this option is not triggered when there is a Writable Volume conflict at user login. App Volumes agent does not disable volume virtualization.
    Prevent user login if the writable is in use on another computer

    Select this option to ensure that the user does not log in to a computer to where their Writable Volume is not present. Using a desktop without an attached Writable Volume may result in the user working on a machine where the data is not saved to the Writable Volume.

    Limit delivery for these user Writable Volumes

    Select this setting for users who do not need to access their Writable Volume on all computers that they use. Also, some users might need separate Writable Volumes that are only attached to specific computers.

    For example, a user that has two Writable Volumes, one limited to Win7-Dev and another limited to Win7-Test. When the user logs in to the computer named Win7-Dev-021, the user gets the first volume. When the user logs in to Win7-Testing, the user gets the second volume. If the user logs in to Win2012R2, no Writable Volume is attached.

    Description Enter a description for the Writable Volume.
    Operating System Select the additional OS for which you want to attach the Writable Volume.
    Note: You cannot deselect the OS to which the volume was previously attached.
    Note: If you select multiple operating systems, it might result in the volume becoming inoperable.
  4. Click Save.