Configure storage for Writable Volumes and Writable Volumes (2.x) by selecting the default storage locations and paths.

Note: AppStacks and Writable Volumes (2. x) can be created only by using App Volumes Agent 2. x and uploading the appropriate templates. Any information related to these volumes can be viewed only when the VOLUMES (2.X) tab is visible in the App Volumes Manager UI. If you have installed the latest version of App Volumes Manager and want to explore App Volumes 2. x, see Perform App Volumes 2.x Management Tasks.

If local host storage is used, volumes are attached only for virtual machines on that host.


Use a storage location that is accessible to all virtual machine host servers. When using VMDK Direct Attach Operation Mode, the App Volumes Manager requires local or shared storage to be configured on the hypervisor.

Note: You cannot use the same storage path for Writable Volumes and Writable Volumes (2. x).


  1. From the App Volumes Manager, click CONFIGURATION > Storage.
    If you have configured the storage options, click Edit to change the configuration.
  2. Enter the following information:
    Option Description
    Writable Volumes
    • Default Storage Location

      Storage Location in VC

    • Default Storage Path

      For example, /appvolumes/writables

    • Templates Path

      For example,/appvolumes/writables_templates

    • Default Backup Path

      For example,/appvolumes/writables_backup

    Writable Volumes (2.x)
    • Default Storage Location

      Storage Location in VC

    • Default Storage Path

      For example, /cloudvolumes/writable

    • Templates Path

      For example,/cloudvolumes/writable_templates

    • Default Backup Path

      For example,/cloudvolumes/writable_backup

  3. Confirm your storage settings and click Save.
  4. On the Confirm Storage Settings window, choose when you want to import the volumes:
    • Import volumes in the background - App Volumes Manager dispatches a background job to import the volume and the display goes back to the manager console immediately.
    • Import volumes immediately - App Volumes Manager waits for the import to be completed and the console is not responsive until either the process is complete or 10 minutes have elapsed.