If you do not want to use the built-in roles with the pre-assigned privileges, you can create custom roles where you select specific privileges and assign them to the active directory groups.

For example, you can create a role that gives privileges to perform all actions on Writable Volumes (such as create, activate, deactivate, rescan, and so on) and also view the online directory of users. You can edit the privileges later and the updated privileges is dynamically ( members do not have to log out and log in to the system to get the new privileges) allocated to the members of the assigned group.


  1. From App Volumes Manager, click CONFIGURATION > Admin Roles > Manage Roles.
    A list of existing roles are displayed.
  2. Click Create Custom Role and provide the following information:
    Option Description
    Name Name of the role.
    Description A detailed description of the custom role.
    Privileges Select the desired privilege.

    When a top-level privilege is selected, all the privileges within the top-level privilege are automatically assigned to the custom role. You can also choose specific privileges within the top-level privilege.

    For example: if you select Inventory as a top-level privilege, you can select any of the privileges within Inventory such as Applications, Application Assignments, and so on. If you have selected Applications, you can further select specific individual privileges such as View, Create, and so on.

  3. Click Create.


The new role is displayed on the Manage Roles page.

What to do next

If you want to edit the newly created role or any other existing custom role, navigate to the Manage Roles page. Select the role and click Edit.