Enable asynchronous mounting on the App Volumes agent.

The asynchronous mount setting is enabled by default. If it has been disabled for any reason, follow the instructions below to enable this setting.

You can also change the default time (30 seconds) the agent takes to send the mount status requests to the manager.


  1. Log in as administrator where the App Volumes agent is installed and change the registry key settings.
    Registry Setting Value
    Path HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\svservice\Parameters
    Key Asyncmount
    Type DWORD
    Value 1
  2. (Optional) Change the default time (30 seconds) the agent takes to send the mount status requests to the manager.
    Option Description
    Path HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\svservice\Parameters
    Key VolMountConfirmationReqFrequency
    Type DWORD
    Value new-time-in-seconds