This integration sends findings from VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds to a designated S3 bucket under Amazon Security Lake. Findings can then be sent to any security information event management (SIEM) tool that ingests logs from Amazon Security Lake.
The recommended configuration is to have Amazon Security Lake automatically generate an IAM service role that is purpose-built for Security Lake operations with appropriate permissions, then edit the trust policy to set an external ID on the role as required by VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds.
As an alternate option, you can use an existing service role with necessary permissions as described in the AWS documentation.
Log in to AWS and open the Security Lake console. Refer to the Amazon Security Lake documentation and follow the directions under the "Adding a custom source" section.
Enter the following information where prompted in the required fields:
Once the required fields are filled out, select the option to create and use a new service role, then create the custom source.
Amazon Security Lake automatically provisions an S3 bucket with the necessary IAM roles to receive security findings from VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds after it's added as a custom source. However, you must add an external ID to the IAM service role for Security Lake and VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds to communicate.
From the AWS Management Console, select the IAM portal.
Select Roles in the sidebar.
Locate the service role for Security Lake. The name defined by the previous step is AmazonSecurityLake-Provider-<data source name>-region
Select the role, then update the trust policy to add your organization ID in VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds as an external ID:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::<PROD-ACCT>:root"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"sts:ExternalId": "<organization-ID>"
NotePlease contact VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds customer service to obtain the
value if you don't already have it.
Once complete, copy the role ARN for use in the next step.
With the Security Lake configuration in AWS completed, you next need to create the integration in the VMware Aria Automation for Secure Clouds browser client.
Next, create an alert for your S3 integration to start sending findings data to a bucket.