Content packs are hosted in Log Insight and contain dashboards, extracted fields, saved queries, and alerts that are related to a specific product or set of logs. You can install community supported content packs from the VMware Sample Exchange and other content packs from the Content Pack Marketplace.

VMware Aria Operations for Logs delivers automated log management through aggregation, analytics and search, enabling operational intelligence and enterprise-wide visibility in dynamic hybrid cloud environments. Content packs are plug-ins to VMware Aria Operations for Logs that provide pre-defined knowledge about specific types of events such as log messages.

To download a content pack, from VMware Aria Operations for Logs navigate to Content Packs > Marketplace. You can also import content packs by clicking + Import Content Pack.

VMware Aria Automation Content Pack

The VMware Aria Automation content pack provides a consolidated summary of log events across all VMware Aria Automation environment components. In includes several dashboards that provide a general overview, insight on errors and operations, and overall health of your VMware Aria Automation instance. These dashboards are listed on the Dashboard tab along with all other VMware Aria Operations for Logs dashboards. Once loaded, it can take up to 30 seconds for the dashboards to populate with metrics.

The VMware Aria Automation content pack includes these dashboards:

  • General - Overview: Captures an overview of high level metrics for VMware Aria Automation.
  • General - Problems:
  • Service - Provision: Captures issues related to the provisioning service.
  • Service - Catalog: Captures issues related to the catalog service.
  • Service - EBS: Captures issues related to the event broker service.
  • Service - Templates: Captures errors and metrics related to Automation Assembler cloud templates, custom resources, and resource actions.
  • Service - Approval: Captures errors and metrics related to approvals.
  • Infra - Health: Captures when pods are restarted over time. This dashboard is essential to detect outages dues to resource limits.
  • Infra - Active Ping: Captures the health check URL over time.

Some dashboards contain widgets that provide more focused analytics. To view the type of analysis that is performed in each widget, click the information icon.

As a VMware Aria Automation administrator, you can follow this general content pack workflow to identify errors and troubleshoot.