The Automation Orchestrator API provides a scripting class, Command, that runs commands in the Automation Orchestrator server host operating system. To prevent unauthorized access to the server host, by default, Automation Orchestrator applications do not have permission to run the Command class. If Automation Orchestrator applications require permission to run commands on the host operating system, you can activate the Command scripting class.

You grant permission to use the Command class by setting an Automation Orchestrator configuration system property.


  1. Log in to Control Center as root.
  2. Click System Properties.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the Key text box, enter com.vmware.js.allow-local-process.
  5. In the Value text box, enter true.
  6. In the Description text box, enter a description for the system property.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Save changes from the pop-up menu.
    A message indicates that you have saved successfully.
  9. Wait for the Automation Orchestrator server to restart.


You granted permissions to Automation Orchestrator applications to run local commands in the Automation Orchestrator server host operating system.

Note: By setting the com.vmware.js.allow-local-process system property to true, you allow the Command scripting class to write anywhere in the file system. This property overrides any file system access permissions that you set in the js-io-rights.conf file for the Command scripting class only. The file system access permissions that you set in the js-io-rights.conf file still apply to all scripting classes other than Command.