You can configure load balancer settings in your network profile configuration.

You can add an existing load balancer to a network profile by using the Load Balancer tab.

You can add a load balancer to a cloud template design by associating it to a network profile that contains one or more load balancers or directly by using a load balancer resource in the cloud template design canvas or code.

Examples for including a load balancer VIP based on security group use in a network profile

There are two types of security groups that you can use in a network profile – an existing security group that you select from the Security Groups tab and an on-demand security group that you create by using an isolation policy on the Network Policies tab.

When a load balancer VIP is associated to a security group based on network profile settings, the security group configuration is supplied by the network profile.

The following table illustrates some sample scenarios.

Cloud template design topology - associated resources Network profile configuration Security group membership
One-armed load balancer with VIP on private network, and a machine on the same private network. The selected network profile uses isolation policy defined as an on-demand security group. The machine NIC and the load balancer VIP are added to the isolation security group.
One-armed load balancer with VIP on private network, and a machine on the same private network. The selected network profile uses an existing security group and uses isolation policy defined as an on-demand security group. The machine NIC and the load balancer VIP are added to the isolation security group and the existing security group.
Two-armed load balancer with VIP on a public network and machine on a private network. The selected network profile uses an existing security group and uses isolation policy defined as an on-demand security group. The machine NIC and the load balancer VIP are added to the isolation security group and the existing security group.
Two-armed load balancer with VIP on a public network and a machine on a private network. The selected network profile uses an existing security group. The machine NIC and the load balancer VIP are added to the existing security group.
Two-armed load balancer, VIP is on network 1 and the machine is on network 2.
Two network profiles:
  • Network profile 1: Uses an existing security group 1.
  • Network profile 2: Uses an existing security group 2.

The load balancer lands on network profile 1 and the machine lands on network profile 2.

The load balancer VIP is added to security group 1 and the machine NIC is added to security group 2.

Learn more

For information about adding load balancer resources to a cloud template design, see More about load balancer resources in VMware Aria Automation cloud templates.

For examples of cloud template designs that include load balancers, see Network, security, and load balancer resource examples in Automation Assembler.