You can use Infoblox-specific properties for VMware Aria Automation projects that contain external IPAM integrations for Infoblox.

The following Infoblox properties are available for use with your Infoblox IPAM integrations in cloud template designs and deployments. You can use them in VMware Aria Automation to further control IP address allocation during cloud template deployment. Use of these properties is optional.

If you are using the Infoblox plug-in version 1.5 (Aria Automation Infoblox Plugin 1.5), a local Infoblox property overrides a global Infoblox property for dnsSuffix, dnsView, enableDns, and enableDhcp properties. For example, if you specify a local (NIC-specific) Infoblox property such as Infoblox.IPAM.Network1.dnsSuffix and a global property such as Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsSuffix, the local property overrides the global property. In this example, the local property overrides the global property for the NIC with index 1 while the global property applies to all the other NICs.

The Infoblox plug-in version 1.5 is supported for use with VMware Aria Automation and vRealize Automation 8.9.1 and later. It is not supported for use with vRealize Automation 8.9 or earlier.

If you are using the Infoblox plug-in 1.4 or earlier, a global Infoblox property overrides a local Infoblox property for dnsSuffix, dnsView, enableDns, and enableDhcp properties. A global property applies to all NICs.

The following properties are available and included in the version 1.5 and later Infoblox plug-in for VMware Aria Automation. For more information about Infoblox plug-in versions and where to obtain the most recent version of the Infoblox plug-in for your IPAM integration in VMware Aria Automation, see Download and deploy an external IPAM provider package for use in VMware Aria Automation.

The Infoblox v1.5 plug-in allows you to create DNS A and PTR records for your Infoblox external IPAM integration. The plug-in supports the Infoblox host record. These records help ensure proper DNS operations by logging and asset management tools that query the DNS system. DNS A and PTR records are commonly used by IPv4 DNS systems.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.createHostRecord

    This property allows you to create a host record in Infoblox. A host record is created by default for VMs, unless some of the other properties (such as Infoblox.IPAM.createFixedAddress, Infoblox.IPAM.createAddressRecord, Infoblox.IPAM.createAddressAndPtrRecords) are set to True. For non-VM resources, such as load balancers, the default value is False.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.createFixedAddress

    This property allows you to create a fixed address record in Infoblox. For VMs, the default value is False. For non-VM resources, a fixed record is created by default, unless Infoblox.IPAM.createHostRecord is set to True.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.createAddressRecord

    This property allows you to create a DNS A record in Infoblox. The default value is False. It is available with the Infoblox plug-in v1.5 forward.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.createAddressAndPtrRecords

    This property allows you to create a DNS A record and a PTR record in Infoblox. The default value is False. It is available with the Infoblox plug-in v1.5. forward.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView

    This property allows you to use a DNS view when creating a host record inside Infoblox.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.enableDns

    When allocating an IP in Infoblox, this property allows you to also create a DNS record. Possible values are True and False. The default value is True.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.enableDhcp

    This property allows you to set the DHCP configuration for the host address. Possible values are True and False. The default value is True.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsSuffix

    This property allows you to overwrite the domain DHCP option of an Infoblox network with a new one. This capability is useful if the Infoblox network does not have the domain DHCP option set or if the domain DHCP option must be overwritten. The default value is null (empty string).

    When using an external IPAM provider such as Infoblox, you must specify a DNS suffix when provisioning a machine. While the DNS suffix is required, you can specify the Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsSuffix property in the machine resource code in the VMware Aria Automation cloud template.

    An example is shown below in the Infoblox.IPAM.Network.hostnameNicSuffix section.

    Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsSuffix is only applicable if Infoblox.IPAM.Network.enableDns is set to True.

  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.hostnameNicSuffix

    You can use this property to specify a NIC index suffix when generating a host name.

    This allows you to provision a machine with more than one NIC such that the host names for each NIC are distinguished by a custom-defined suffix. As seen in the following example, you can provision a machine, for example my-machine, that has 2 NICs so that the host name suffix for the first NIC is -nic1 and the other is -nic2.

    You can also specify a DNS suffix as shown in the example. The Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsSuffix property is used with a value of test.local to result in the first NIC being named my-machine-nic1.test.local and the other my-machine-nic2.test.local.

    formatVersion: 1
    inputs: {}
        type: Cloud.Machine
          Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsSuffix: test.local
          Infoblox.IPAM.Network0.hostnameNicSuffix: -nic1
          Infoblox.IPAM.Network1.hostnameNicSuffix: -nic2
          image: ubuntu
          flavor: small
            - network: '${}'
              deviceIndex: 0
            - network: '${}'
              deviceIndex: 1
        type: Cloud.Network
          networkType: existing
        type: Cloud.Network
          networkType: existing

    This property was introduced with Infoblox plug-in version 1.3. See Download and deploy an external IPAM provider package for use in VMware Aria Automation.

  • You can also specify properties by using an extensibility subscription.

    For related information about Infoblox extensible attributes relative to this use case, see Add required extensible attributes in the Infoblox application for integration with VMware Aria Automation.

Using Infoblox properties on different machine NICs in a cloud template

The following Infoblox properties can support a different value for each machine NIC in the cloud template:
  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.enableDhcp
  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView
  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.enableDns
  • Infoblox.IPAM.Network.hostnameNicSuffix
For example, to use a different Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView value for each NIC, use a Infoblox.IPAM.Network<nicIndex>.dnsView entry for each NIC. The following sample shows different values Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView for two NICs.
formatVersion: 1
inputs: {}
    type: Cloud.Machine
      Infoblox.IPAM.Network0.dnsView: default
      Infoblox.IPAM.Network1.dnsView: my-net
      image: ubuntu
      flavor: small
        - network: '${}'
          deviceIndex: 0
        - network: '${}'
          deviceIndex: 1
    type: Cloud.Network
      networkType: existing
    type: Cloud.Network
      networkType: existing

By default, the Infoblox integration creates a DNS host record in the default DNS view in Infoblox. If your Infoblox administrator has created custom DNS views, you can overwrite the default integration behavior and specify a named view by using the Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView property in the machine component. For example, you can add the following property to the Cloud_Machine_1 component to specify a named DNS view in Infoblox.

    type: Cloud.Machine
      image: ubuntu
      flavor: small

For information about configuring and using DNS views, see DNS Views in Infoblox product documentation. For examples in the Infoblox integration workflow, see Define and deploy a cloud template that uses an external IPAM provider range assignment in VMware Aria Automation.

How to specify Infoblox properties

You can specify an Infoblox property using one of the following methods in Automation Assembler:
  • You can specify properties in a project by using the Custom Properties section on your Infrastructure > Administration > Projects page. Using this method, the specified properties are applied to all machines that are provisioned in the scope of this project.
  • You can specify properties on each machine component in a cloud template. Sample cloud template code illustrating use of the Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView property is shown below:
    formatVersion: 1
    inputs: {}
        type: Cloud.vSphere.Machine
          Infoblox.IPAM.Network.dnsView: default
          image: ubuntu
          cpuCount: 1
          totalMemoryMB: 1024
            - network: '${}'
        type: Cloud.Network
          networkType: existing
            - tag: mk-ipam-demo