Your user role in Automation Service Broker determines what you can see and do. Some roles are defined at the service organization level, and some are specific to Automation Assembler.

User Roles

User roles are defined for the organization in the VMware Aria Automation console. There are two types of roles, organization roles and service roles.

The organization roles are global and apply to all services in the organization. A user is assigned an Organization owner or Organization Member role.

For more information about the organization, service, and custom roles, start with the cloud user roles.

The Automation Service Broker service roles, which are service-specific permissions, are also assigned at the organization level in the console.

Service Broker Service Roles

The Automation Service Broker service roles determine what you can see and do in Automation Service Broker. These service roles are defined in the console by an organization owner.

Table 1. Service Broker Service Role Descriptions
Role Description
Service Broker Administrator Must have read and write access to the entire user interface and API resources. This is the only user role that can perform all tasks, including creating a new project and assigning a project administrator.
Service Broker User Any user who does not have the Automation Service Broker Administrator role.

In an Automation Service Broker project, the administrator adds users to projects as project members, administrators, or viewers. The administrator can also add a project administrator.

Service Broker Viewer A user who has read access to see information but cannot create, update, or delete values. This is a read-only role across all projects in all the services.

Users with the viewer role can see all the information that is available to the administrator. They cannot take any action unless you make them a project administrator or a project member. If the user is affiliated with a project, they have the permissions related to the role. The project viewer would not extend their permissions the way that the administrator or member role does.

In addition to the service roles, Automation Service Broker has project roles. Any project is available in all of the services.

The project roles are defined in Automation Service Broker and can vary between projects.

In the following tables, which tells you what the different service and project roles can see and do, remember that the service administrators have full permission on all areas of the user interface.

Use the following descriptions of project roles will help you as you decide what permissions to give your users.

  • Project administrators leverage the infrastructure that is created by the service administrator to ensure that their project members have the resources they need for their development work.
  • Project members work within their projects to design and deploy cloud templates. In the following table, Your projects can include only resources that you own or resources that are shared with other project members.
  • Project viewers are restricted to read-only access.
  • Project supervisors are approvers in Automation Service Broker for their projects where an approval policy is defined with a project supervisor approver. To provide the supervisor with context for approvals, consider also granting them the project member or viewer role.
Table 2. Service Broker Service Roles and Project Roles
UI Context Task Service Broker Administrator Service Broker Viewer Service Broker User

User must be a project administrator to see and do project-related tasks.

Project Administrator Project Member Project Viewer Project Supervisor
Access Service Broker
Console In the console, you can see and open Service Broker Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
See and open the Infrastructure tab Yes Yes
Administration - Projects Create projects Yes
Update, or delete values from project summary, provisioning, Kubernetes, integrations, and test project configurations. Yes
Add users and groups, and assign roles in projects. Yes Yes. Your projects.
View projects Yes Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Administration - Custom Roles Create custom user roles and assign them to users and groups. Yes
Administration - Custom Names Create custom resource names. Yes
Administration - Secrets Create and delete secret reusable properties. Yes
Administration - Settings Turn on or off internal settings. Yes
Administration - Users and Groups View the users and groups assigned to custom roles. Yes
Configure - Cloud Zones Create, update, or delete cloud zones Yes
View cloud zones Yes Yes
Configure - Kubernetes Zones Create, update, or delete Kubernetes zones Yes
View Kubernetes zones Yes Yes
Connections - Cloud Accounts Create, update, or delete cloud accounts Yes
View cloud accounts Yes Yes
Connections - Integrations Create, update, or delete integrations Yes
View integrations Yes Yes
Activity - Requests Delete deployment request records Yes
View deployment request records Yes
Activity - Event Logs View event logs Yes
Content and Policies
See and open the Content and Policies tab Yes Yes
Content Sources Create, update, or delete content sources Yes
View content sources Yes Yes
Content Customize form and configure item Yes
View content Yes Yes
Policies - Definitions Create, update, or delete policy definitions Yes
View policy definitions Yes Yes
Policies - Enforcement View enforcement log Yes Yes
Notifications - Email Server Configure an email server Yes
See and open the Consume tab Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Projects See and search projects Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Catalog See and open the Catalog page Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
View available catalog items Yes Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Request a catalog item Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Deployments - Deployments

View deployments, including deployment details, deployment history, price, monitor, alerts, optimize, and troubleshooting information

Yes Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Manage alerts Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Run day 2 actions on deployments based on policies Yes Yes. Your projects Yes. Your projects
Deployments - Resources View all discovered resources Yes Yes
Run day 2 actions on discovered resources.

Actions available only on machines and limited to power on and off for all machines, and remote console for vSphere machines.

Deployments - All Resources View deployed, onboarded, migrated resources Yes Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Run Day 2 actions on deployed, onboarded, and migrated resources based on policies Yes Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Deployments - Virtual Machines View discovered machines Yes Yes
Run day 2 actions on discovered machines.

Actions are limited to power on and off, and remote console for vSphere machines.


Create New VM

This option is available in Automation Service Broker if your administrator activates the option. To activate the option, select Infrastructure > Administration > Settings.

By activating the option, Automation Service Broker users can create VMs based on any image and any flavor even though they are not administrators themselves. To avoid the potential overconsumption of resources, administrators can create approval policies to reject or approve any deployment requests based on the image used or the flavor or size requested.

Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
View deployed, onboarded, and migrated resources. Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Run day 2 actions on deployed, onboarded, and migrated resources based on policies Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Deployments - Volumes View discovered volumes Yes Yes
No day 2 actions available
View deployed, onboarded, and migrated volumes Yes Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Run day 2 actions on deployed, onboarded, and migrated volumes based on policies Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Deployments - Networking and Security View discovered networks, load balancers, and security groups Yes Yes
No day 2 actions available
View deployed, onboarded, and migrated networks, load balancers, and security groups Yes Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
Run day 2 actions on deployed, onboarded, and migrated networks, load balancers, and security groups based on policies Yes Yes. Your projects. Yes. Your projects.
See and open the Inbox tab Yes Yes
Approvals View approval requests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Respond to approval requests Yes Yes. Your projects and the policy approver is Project Administrator Only if you are a named approver Only if you are a named approver Yes. Your projects and the policy approver is Project Supervisor
User Input Requests View user input requests Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Respond to user input requests Yes Yes. Your projects and you are assigned to provide input Only if you are assigned to provide input Only if you are assigned to provide input Only if you are assigned to provide input