You can use client-side load balancing and failover to improve the stability of your Active Directory plug-in configuration.
You can configure client-side load balancing when running the Add an Active Directory server and Update an Active Directory server workflows. Client-side load balancing is possible through the ServerSet Java class.
- Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
- Navigate to and enter the active_directory and configuration tags in the workflow search box.
- Run the Add an Active Directory server or Update an Active Directory server workflow.
- Select the Alternative hosts tab.
- From the drop-down menu, select Single Server, Round-Robin DNS Server, Round-Robin, or Failover.
Option Description Single Server A server set implementation that connects to only one server. Round-Robin DNS Server A server set where server handles the case in which a given host name may resolve to multiple IP addresses. This server set does strictly require DNS server setup. The ordering mechanism for selecting an address is round-robin.
Round-Robin A server set where load is distributed evenly between several directory servers. If a server is unavailable, the connection will move to the next server in the set. Failover A server set where server connections are established in order. This implementation can establish connections between separate server sets. Useful for providing high availability in complex environments. - When you finish configuring the workflow run, click Run.