You can install a new instance of VMware Workspace ONE Access or import an existing instance when you are configuring VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VMware Aria Suite Easy Installer for VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access.

If you want to customize your VMware Workspace ONE Access configuration, which can include deployment of VMware Workspace ONE Access in a standard or a cluster mode, customized mode of network, storage, you can skip the installation of VMware Workspace ONE Access. If you have skipped, you are still prompted to configure the VMware Workspace ONE Access on the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle UI. With VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VMware Aria Suite Easy Installer for VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access, you either import an existing VMware Workspace ONE Access into VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle or a new instance of VMware Workspace ONE Access can be deployed. For more information on hardware re-sizing for VMware Workspace ONE Access, see Resize hardware resources for VMware Lifecycle Manager in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

For information about product and version compatibility, see the VMware Interoperability Matrix, such as this sample page.


Verify that you have a static IP address before you begin your configuration.


  1. To install a new instance, select the Install new VMware Workspace ONE Access option.
  2. Enter the required text boxes under Virtual Machine Name, IP Address, Hostname, and Default Configuration Admin.

    The VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VMware Aria Suite Easy Installer for VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access creates the default configuration admin user as a local user in VMware Workspace ONE Access and the same user is used to integrate products with VMware Workspace ONE Access.

  3. To import an existing instance, select Import Existing vIDM.
    1. Enter the Hostname, Admin Password, System Admin Password, SSH User Password, Root Password, Default Configuration Admin, and Default Configuration Password.
    2. Select the Sync group members to the Directory when user want to sync group member while adding a group for the global configuration of VMware Workspace ONE Access.
    With VMware Aria Suite Easy Installer for VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access VMware Workspace ONE Access supported version
    New installation of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle


    Import VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle


    Deploy VMware Aria Automation


    Note: VMware Workspace ONE Access is supported for single or cluster instance with embedded Postgres database.
    Note: VMware Workspace ONE Access is not supported for thefollowing scenarios:
    • Single or cluster instance having external database (Postgres/MSSQL and so on).
    • Single or cluster instance with additional connectors (Windows and external connectors) other than the embedded ones.
    • VMware Workspace ONE Access version 3.3.0 and earlier.

    If the older version of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle does not have VMware Workspace ONE Access, it can either be installed or imported.VMware Workspace ONE Access and extended day-2 functionalities are not supported from the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle and extended day-2 functionalities are not supported from the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle if the imported VMware Workspace ONE Access not in supported form factor.

    Upgrade support from an older VMware Workspace ONE Access version (3.3.0 and earlier) to the latest is only available if it is a single instance or a node VMware Workspace ONE Access with embedded postgres database. Otherwise, you can upgrade outside VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle. After upgrade, it can be reimported by starting an Inventory Sync in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.

  4. Click Next.
    If you cannot deploy VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle, VMware Workspace ONE Access, or VMware Aria Automation in VMware Cloud on AWS vCenter by using VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle VMware Aria Suite Easy Installer for VMware Aria Automation and VMware Workspace ONE Access, then use the vCenter that has an administrator privilege to deploy products.