Projects are the connector between cloud templates and resources. The more you understand about how they work and how you can make them work for you, the more effective your Automation Assembler development and deployment process will be.
What to read next
Using Automation Assembler project tags and custom properties As an administrator, you can add project-level governance constraints or custom properties when the requirements of the project are different from the Automation Assembler cloud templates. In addition to constraint tags, you can add resource tags that are added to deployed resources during the provisioning process so that you can manage the resources.
Using cloud zone resource limits in Automation Assembler projects When you configure a project, you add cloud zones. You can define the resource limits for each cloud zone, allowing you to conserve resources where needed.
How do project-level placement policies affect resource allocation in VMware Aria Automation As an administrator, you can define the placement policy for projects where more than one cloud zone is eligible as the deployment target zone. For example, you might have a project where you want to deploy cloud templates based on the set priority, you might want to balance the deployed resources across multiple zones based on which one has the best VM to host ratio, or you might want to balance the VMs based on the amount of free resources in the zones. .
What are the project prices in Automation Assembler The costs available in your Automation Assembler projects help you manage the resource expenses associated with entire projects. The project also includes the individual deployment costs.
How do Automation Assembler projects work at deployment time Projects control user access to the cloud zones and user ownership of the provisioned resources. Whether your are a cloud administrator or a cloud template developer, you must understand how the projects work at deployment time so that you can manage your deployments and troubleshoot any problems.