You can use a dump subscription topic parameters script to view the specific parameters and payload of your virtual machine at any given event stage.

Primarily, this script is useful for debugging and verifying available inputs for your Automation Orchestrator workflow. To view all parameters of your virtual machine, use the following script with your workflow:
function dumpProperties(props,lvl){
         var keys = props.keys;
         var prefix = ""
     for (var i=0; i<lvl; i++){
                   prefix = prefix + "";
          for (k in keys){
                 var key = keys[k];
                 var value = props.get(keys[k])
                 if ("Properties" == System.getObjectType(value)){
                  System.log(prefix + key + "[")
                  System.log(prefix+ "]")
                 } else{
                   System.log( prefix + key + ":" + value)

   dumpProperties(inputProperties, 0)

   customProps = inputProperties.get("customProperties")