As a cloud administrator, you can create a VMware Aria Automation cloud account for Amazon Web Services (AWS) for account regions to which your team will deploy VMware Aria Automation cloud templates.

For authorized users, AWS cloud accounts support access to the AWS GovCloud configuration. This configuration supports most of the standard VMware Aria Automation cloud account functionality with regard to project configuration, tags, and infrastructure. In Cloud Assembly cloud templates, it does support use of AWS Platform as a Service (PaaS) properties.

The following procedure describes how to configure an AWS cloud account.



  1. Select Infrastructure > Connections > Cloud Accounts and click Add Cloud Account.
  2. Select the AWS account type, and enter credentials and other values.
  3. Click Validate.
    The account regions associated with the account are collected.
  4. Select the regions to which you want to provision this resource.
  5. For efficiency, click Create a Cloud zone for the selected regions.
  6. If you need to add tags to support a tagging strategy, enter capability tags. See How do I use tags to manage Automation Assembler resources and deployments and Creating a tagging strategy.

    video symbolFor more information about how capability tags and constraint tags help control deployment placements, see the Constraint Tags and Placement video tutorial.

  7. Click Add.


The account is added to VMware Aria Automation, and the selected regions are available for the specified cloud zone.

What to do next

Configure infrastructure resources for this cloud account.

AWS integration supports use of GP3 and IO2 VolumeType disk options. There are some constraints on volume size and IOs values for specific volume types. The follow page explains the supported configuations:

GP3 and IO2 VolumeType selections must be configured in a storage profile before they can be used in deployments. Then, users can add them when setting up a cloud template using the volumeType property to specify the volume configuration. The following cloud template snippet shows an example of how the volumeType property is used.

formatVersion: 1
inputs: {}
    type: Cloud.AWS.Volume
      capacityGb: 1
      volumeType: gp3
      iops: 3000

You can also add a valid GP3 or IO2 volume to an existing deployment as a day 2 action uisng the Actions menu on the Cloud Assembly Deployments page. In addition, resize, updaate and delete operations are supported as day 2 actions.