You can use the infrastructure administration workflows to manage cloud accounts, cloud zones, machines, and projects.

Cloud Accounts Workflows

The Cloud Accounts category contains workflows that you can use for managing vSphere cloud accounts.

To access these workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the vsphere_cloud_accounts tag in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create vSphere Cloud Account Adds a vCenter cloud account in VMware Aria Automation and to the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator. See Add a vSphere cloud account.
Create vSphere Cloud Account Async Creates a cloud account asynchronously with the selected configuration.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested cloud account by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects and the getRequestTrackerById action.

Delete vSphere Cloud Account Removes a vCenter cloud account in VMware Aria Automation and from the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.
Update vSphere Cloud Account Updates a vCenter cloud account in VMware Aria Automation and in the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.
Update vSphere Cloud Account Async Requests to update a cloud account asynchronously with the selected configuration.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested cloud account by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects and the getRequestTrackerById action.

Cloud Zones Workflows

To access the Cloud Zones workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the cloud_zones tag in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create Cloud Zone Adds a cloud zone in VMware Aria Automation and to the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator. See Add a cloud zone.
Delete Cloud Zone Removes a cloud zone in VMware Aria Automation and from the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.
Update Cloud Zone Updates a cloud zone in VMware Aria Automation and in the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.

Disks Workflows

To access the Disks workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the disks tag in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create Disk Creates a disk (block device) synchronously and adds it to the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator. See Add a disk.
Delete Disk Requests to delete a disk (block device) with the selected configuration asynchronously.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested machine disk by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects.

In addition to the default workflows, the Automation plug-in supports the Promote disk and Resize block device operations.

Machines Workflows

To access the Machines workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the machines tag in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create Machine Creates a virtual machine in VMware Aria Automation and adds it to the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator. See Add a machine.
Create Machine Async Asynchronously creates a virtual machine with the selected configuration.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested machine by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects and the getRequestTrackerById action.

Delete Machine Removes a virtual machine from VMware Aria Automation and from the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested machine by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects and the getRequestTrackerById action.

Resize Machine Resizes a VMware Aria Automation machine asynchronously.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested machine by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects.

Note that the Resize Machine workflow does not validate the maximum value for the CPU Count, Core Count, and Memory inputs. The Automation Orchestrator API does not support fetching the maximum configured values for these machine attributes.

Update Machine Custom Properties Updates virtual machine custom properties.
Update Machine Tags Updates virtual machine tags.

In addition to the default workflows, the Automation plug-in supports various machine power operations, including Power On/Off, Reset, Reboot, Resize, Shutdown.

To access these actions, navigate to Library > Actions, and search for the com.vmware.library.vra.infrastructure.machine.power tag in the action search box.

Note that the power operation action fails if you run an unsupported operation or if the target criteria is not met.

Machine Disks Workflows

To access the Machine Disks workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the machines and disks tags in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Attach Machine Disk Attaches a VMware Aria Automation machine disk (block device) asynchronously.
Detach Machine Disk Dettaches a VMware Aria Automation machine disk (block device) asynchronously.

On request submission, the Machine Disks workflows return a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested machine disks by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects.

Machine Snapshots Workflows

To access the Machine Snapshots workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the machines and snapshots tags in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create Machine Snapshot Requests to create a machine snapshot with the selected configuration asynchronously.
Delete Machine Snapshot Requests to delete a machine snapshot with the selected configuration asynchronously.
Revert Machine Snapshot Reverts a VMware Aria Automation machine snapshot asynchronously.

On request submission, the Machine Snapshots workflows return a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested machine snapshots by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects.

Networks Workflows

To access the Networks workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the networks tag in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create Network Creates a network asynchronously. See Add a network.
Delete Network Requests to delete a network with the selected configuration asynchronously.

On request submission, the workflow returns a RequestTracker object. You can get the status of the requested network operation by using the RequestService and RequestTracker objects.

Projects Workflows

To access the Projects workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows, and enter the projects tag in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Create Project Adds a project in VMware Aria Automation and to the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator. See Add a project.
Delete Project Removes a project in VMware Aria Automation and from the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.
Update Project Updates a project in VMware Aria Automation and in the plug-in inventory in Automation Orchestrator.
Update Project Resource Metadata Updates the resource metadata, such as tags, that are associated with a project.