You can install, update, or delete third-party plug-ins in the Automation Orchestrator Control Center.

Install or update an Automation Orchestrator plug-in

You can install or update third-party plug-ins in the Automation Orchestrator Control Center.


Download the .dar or .vmoapp file of the plug-in.
Note: The preferred file format for Automation Orchestrator plug-ins is .vmoapp.


  1. Log in the Control Center as root.
  2. Select the Manage Plug-ins page.
  3. Click Browse and select the .dar or .vmoapp file of the plug-in you want to install or update.
  4. Click Upload.
  5. Review the plug-in information, if applicable, accept the end-user license agreement, and click Install.
    The plug-in is installed or updated and the Automation Orchestrator server service is restarted.

What to do next

Verify that the correct plug-in information is listed on the Manage Plug-ins page.

Delete a plug-in

You can delete third-party plug-ins from the Automation Orchestrator Appliance through Control Center.


  1. Log in to the Control Center as root.
  2. Select Manage Plug-ins.
  3. Find the plug-in you want to delete and click the delete icon (Delete icon.).
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the plug-in, and click Delete.


You deleted the plug-in from the Automation Orchestrator Appliance. You do not have to delete the plug-in package manually from the Automation Orchestrator Client.