The configuration options for VPZs have changed in Automation Assembler.You can update or work with legacy Virtual Private Zones in current versions of VMware Aria Automation.

In VMware Aria Automation 8.2 users configured image and flavor mappings within VPZs. In newer versions of VMware Aria Automation, users create image and flavor mappings on a per-tenant basis, which increases efficiency and configuration flexibility especially in deployments with large numbers of tenants. While there is no way to migrate legacy VPZs created inVMware Aria Automation 8.2 there are several options for using them with newer versions of VMware Aria Automation.

The first, and most flexible, option is to delete the legacy image and flavor mappings from the older VPZs and re-configure them with new mappings created on the Tenant Management page.

  1. Select Infrastructure > Configure > Virtual Private Zones to open the VPZ page.
  2. Select Image Mapping to view the existing mapping.
  3. Select mappings and click to delete them.
  4. Select Image Mapping to view the existing mapping.
  5. Select mappings and click to delete them.
  6. Close the VPZ page.
  7. Select Tenant Mapping and create select a global mapping for the applicable tenants or create a tenant specific mapping.

Alternatively, you can use legacy vPZs with newer versions of vRA in their existing configuration. The legacy image and flavor mappings still function as configured, but their configuration options are read only on the VPZ page. This options offers less flexibility than the first option.