In addition to the day 2 actions already associated with Automation Assembler resource types, you have design options that let you prepare in advance for custom updates that users might need to make.


To change a deployment, you can edit its cloud template and reapply it, or you can use day 2 actions. However, in most cases you should avoid mixing the two approaches.

Lifecycle day 2 changes such as power on/off are usually safe, but others require caution, such as when adding disks.

For example, if you add disks with a day 2 action, and then take a mixed approach by reapplying the cloud template, the cloud template could overwrite the day 2 change, which might remove disks and cause data loss.

Day 2 preparation can involve either direct use of cloud template code, or the Automation Assembler design interface.

  • You can use inputs in cloud template code so that, when you update the deployment or deployed resource, the interface prompts for fresh values.
  • You can use Automation Assembler to design a custom action based on a VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator workflow or an extensibility action. Running the custom action results in the workflow or extensibility action making changes to the deployment or deployed resource.

For custom day 2 resource actions you can use the schema for deployment resource types to specify criteria for your resource action. For example, you can use the deployment name property to define which deployments can use the create resource action.