As an alternative to the simple conditions list in Automation Assembler, the advanced editor lets you assemble more complex criteria expressions to control when the action is available.

When creating a new resource action, select Requires condition and Use advanced editor. Then, enter the criteria expression that you want.

Custom actions criteria advanced editor

The expression is a clause or list of clauses, each of which is in key-operator-value format. The preceding figure shows criteria where the target must be powered on and present.


Clause Description Example
and All subclauses need to be true for the expression result to be true.

Evaluate as true only when both properties.powerState is ON and syncStatus is not MISSING.

  - and:
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: eq
        value: ON
      - key: syncStatus
        operator: notEq
        value: MISSING
or One or more of the subclauses need to be true for the expression result to be true.

Evaluate as true whether properties.powerState is ON or OFF.

  - or:
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: eq
        value: ON
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: eq
        value: OFF


Operator Description Example
eq Equal. Look for an exact match.

Evaluate as true when properties.powerState is ON.

  - and:
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: eq
        value: ON
notEq Not equal. Avoid an exact match.

Evaluate as true when properties.powerState is not OFF.

  - and:
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: notEq
        value: OFF
hasAny Look for a match in a collection of objects.

Evaluate as true when the storage.disks array includes a 100 IOPS EBS object.

  - key: storage.disks
    operator: hasAny
        - and:
            - key: iops
              operator: eq
              value: 100
            - key: service
              operator: eq
              value: ebs
in Look for a match in a set of values.

Evaluate as true when properties.powerState is either OFF or SUSPEND.

  - and:
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: in
        value: OFF, SUSPEND
notIn Avoid matching a set of values.

Evaluate as true when properties.powerState is neither OFF nor SUSPEND.

  - and:
      - key: properties.powerState
        operator: notIn
        value: OFF, SUSPEND
greaterThan Look for a match over a given threshold. Only applies to numeric values.

Evaluate as true when the first object in the storage.disks array has IOPS over 50.

  - and:
      - key: storage.disks[0].iops
        operator: greaterThan
        value: 50
lessThan Look for a match under a given threshold. Only applies to numeric values.

Evaluate as true when the first object in the storage.disks array has IOPS under 200.

  - and:
      - key: storage.disks[0].iops
        operator: lessThan
        value: 200
greaterThanEquals Look for a match at or above a given threshold. Only applies to numeric values.

Evaluate as true when the first object in the storage.disks array has IOPS of 100 or higher.

  - and:
      - key: storage.disks[0].iops
        operator: greaterThanEquals
        value: 100
lessThanEquals Look for a match at or below a given threshold. Only applies to numeric values.

Evaluate as true when the first object in the storage.disks array has IOPS of 100 or lower.

  - and:
      - key: storage.disks[0].iops
        operator: lessThanEquals
        value: 100
matchesRegex Use a regular expression to look for a match.

Evaluate as true when the is us-east-1a or us-east-1c.

  - and:
      - key:
        operator: matchesRegex
        value: (us-east-1)+(a|c){1,2}


The following criteria expression evaluates as true when properties.tags includes a tag of key key1 and value value1.

The outer expression uses hasAny because properties.tags is an array, and you want to evaluate as true whenever key1=value1 appears in any of the key-value pairs in the array.

In the inner expression, there are two clauses, one for the key field and one for the value field. The properties.tags array holds key-value tagging pairs, and you need to match both the key and value fields.

  - key: properties.tags
    operator: hasAny
        - and:
            - key: key
              operator: eq
              value: key1
            - key: value
              operator: eq
              value: value1

The following criteria expression is similar to the previous example, but now evaluates as true whenever properties.tags includes either a tag of key1=value1 or key2=value2.

  - or:
      - key: properties.tags
        operator: hasAny
            - and:
                - key: key
                  operator: eq
                  value: key1
                - key: value
                  operator: eq
                  value: value1
      - key: properties.tags
        operator: hasAny
            - and:
                - key: key
                  operator: eq
                  value: key2
                - key: value
                  operator: eq
                  value: value2