You can run workflows to register SNMP devices with , edit the settings for existing devices, and unregister devices.

Device Management Workflows

The Device Management workflow category contains workflows that allow you to manage SNMP devices.

To access these workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the snmp and device_management tags in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Edit an SNMP device Edits the configuration of a registered SNMP device.
Register an SNMP device Registers an SNMP-enabled device to the plug-in inventory.
Unregister an SNMP device Unregisters an SNMP device from the plug-in inventory.

Register an SNMP Device

You can run a workflow to register an SNMP device and optionally configure advanced connection parameters.


  1. Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Client.
  2. Navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the snmp and device_management tag in the workflow search box.
  3. Locate the Register an SNMP device workflow and click Run.
  4. In the Device address text box, enter the IP address or DNS name of the SNMP device.
    Note: To establish a more reliable connection, use an IP address.
  5. (Optional) In the Name text box, enter a name for the device as you want it to appear in the Inventory view.
    If you leave the text box blank, the device address is used to generate a name automatically.
  6. (Optional) To configure the advanced connection parameters, select the check box, and navigate to the Advanced tab.
    1. In the Port text box, specify the connection port.
      The default port is 161.
    2. From the Version drop-down menu, select the SNMP version that you want to use and provide the credentials.
      The support for SNMPv3 is limited to the AuthPriv security level with MD5 authentication. The DES passphrase is the same as the MD5 password.
      Note: The support for SNMPv3 is deprecated.
    3. In the Community name text box, enter a name for the device. The default name is public.
  7. Click Run.


After the workflow runs successfully, the SNMP device appears in the Inventory view.

What to do next

You can add queries to the SNMP device and run workflows from the Inventory view.