The telemetry feature facilitates users to provide consent whether to send the data from the VMware Aria Automation Plug-in to VMware.

The following data will be sent to VMware after the user provides the consent:
  • Organization Id

  • Projects

  • Deployments

  • Catalog items

To provide consent to send data or not, the user must navigate to the Manage Endpoint table and click the existing endpoint, or while registering a new endpoint, the consent pop-up will be displayed.

  • To provide consent, click Yes. The scheduled job will start sending telemetry data to VMware and the consent pop-up will not be prompted again for the user.

  • To not provide consent, click No. The telemetry data will not be sent to VMware and a consent pop-up will be prompted after every 30 days for further consent.


  1. If the user responds to the consent pop-up as Yes but do not wish to send the telemetry data to VMware, then the user needs to perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to x_vmw_cloudservice.telemetry_last_trigger system property.
    2. Open the system property and in the value option, remove the date and time, and click Update.
    3. Search for the x_wm_cloudservice.customer_consent_value system property.
    4. Open the system property and set the value as false.
    5. When the next consent pop-up is prompted, click No, so that telemetry data will not be sent to VMware.
  2. If the user responds to the consent pop-up as No but intends to send the telemetry data to VMware, then the user needs to perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to x_vmw_cloudservice.telemetry_last_trigger system property.
    2. Open the system property and in value, remove the date and time, and click Update.
    3. Navigate to the Manage Endpoint table, and open the existing endpoint.
    4. When the consent pop-up is prompted, click Yes, so that telemetry data will be sent to VMware.