You can create and store constants for use in extensibility actions.

With extensibility action constants, you can add encrypted input values to your extensibility actions. Encryption is useful for use cases where your inputs are used to manage sensitive data, such as passwords and certificates. Constants are available for all FaaS providers and runtimes.

Note: Unlike secrets, extensibility action constants can only be used for extensibility secrets. For more information on secrets, see How can I create secrets for use in extensibility actions.

Extensibility action constants are accessible to all users included in your organization.

Constants use the context.getSecret() function to run as part of your script. This function uses the name of constant as a parameter. For example, you might use an extensibility action constant named abxconstant as an encrypted input parameter in your action. To add this input parameter to your action script, you must use context.getSecret(inputs["abxconstant"]).


  1. Create a extensibility action constant.
    1. Navigate to Extensibility > Library > Actions.
    2. Select Action Constants.
    3. To create a constant, click New Action Constant.
    4. Enter a name and value for the constant, and click Save.
  2. Add your constant to a extensibility action.
    1. Select an existing extensibility action or create a new extensibility action.
    2. Under Default Inputs, tick the Secret check box.
    3. Search for your constant and add it to the extensibility action inputs.
    4. Add the constant to the script of the extensibility action by using the context.getSecret() function.
    5. To test your extensibility action constant, click Test.