If your workflow subscription fails, you can perform troubleshooting steps to correct it.

Failed workflow runs can cause your workflow subscription not to start or complete successfully. Workflow run failure can result from several common problems.

Problem Cause Solution
Your Automation Orchestrator workflow subscription did not start or complete successfully. You configured a workflow subscription to run a custom workflow when the event message is received, but the workflow does not run or complete successfully.
  1. Verify that the workflow subscription is saved correctly.
  2. Verify that the workflow subscription conditions are configured correctly.
  3. Verify that Automation Orchestrator contains the specified workflow.
  4. Verify that the workflow is configured correctly within Automation Orchestrator.
Your approval request Automation Orchestrator workflow subscription did not run. You configured a pre-approval or post-approval workflow subscription to run a Automation Orchestrator workflow. The workflow does not run when a machine that matches the defined criteria is requested in the service catalog. To successfully run an approval workflow subscription, you must verify that all the components are configured correctly.
  1. Verify that the approval policy is active and correctly applied.
  2. Verify that your workflow subscription is correctly configured and saved.
  3. Review the event logs for messages related to approvals.
Your approval request Automation Orchestrator workflow subscription was rejected. You configured a pre-approval or post-approval workflow subscription that runs a specified Automation Orchestrator workflow, but the request is rejected on the external approval level.

One possible cause is an internal workflow run error in Automation Orchestrator. For example, the workflow is missing or the Automation Orchestrator server is not running.

  1. Review the logs for messages related to approvals.
  2. Verify that the Automation Orchestrator server is running.
  3. Verify that Automation Orchestrator contains the specified workflow.