You can add Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI) elements to use the CCI service within a VMware Aria Automation template so that your users can request Kubernetes-based workloads using the Virtual Machine service and Tanzu Kubernetes Grid service within a supervisor namespace.
To see the CCI elements, expand the Cloud Consumption Interface section within the resource library in your cloud template or type cci in the Search resource types field.
Supervisor Namespace resource
Create a new Supervisor Namespace, that provides a Kubernetes-based workspace with resource limits, user access, and available Supervisor services, so that users can provision VM and TKG resources based on application needs. |
Supervisor resource
Create any supported Supervisor Kubernetes resource within a Supervisor Namespace, such as virtualmachines , virtualmachineservices , tanzukubernetesclusters , persistentvolumeclaims , secrets , and so on, depending on the Kubernetes manifest passed to the Supervisor resource that is being configured. |
TKG resource
Create any supported Kubernetes resource within a TKG cluster. |
Supervisor Namespace Resource example
CCI.Supervisor.Namespace represents the Supervisor Kubernetes-based workspace where the user-managed vSphere Supervisor IaaS resources for the application are created.
This example defines a CCI supervisor namespace resource named cciNamespace to provision a Supervisor Namespace called demo.
formatVersion: 1 inputs: {} resources: cciNamespace: type: CCI.Supervisor.Namespace properties: name: demo className: default regionName: dev-us-west
Supervisor Resource example
You use CCI.Supervisor.Resource to pass the Kubernetes manifest for Kubernetes objects supported to run within a supervisor namespace context.
- To provision the supervisor resource within a particular supervisor namespace, you configure the supervisor resource context property by mapping it to the Supervisor Namespace ID using a template bind expression, for example context: ${}.
- To specify the objects to provision, you configure the manifest property of the Supervisor Resource by passing the Kubernetes manifest to the Kubernetes object that you are creating.
formatVersion: 1 inputs: {} resources: cciTKGCluster: type: CCI.Supervisor.Resource properties: context: ${} manifest: apiVersion: kind: Cluster metadata: name: ${input.tkg_Name} labels: tkg-cluster-selector: ${input.tkg_Name} spec: clusterNetwork: cni: name: antrea pods: cidrBlocks: - services: cidrBlocks: - serviceDomain: cluster.local topology: class: tanzukubernetescluster version: v1.24.9---vmware.1-tkg.4 variables: - name: storageClasses value: - tmm-kubernetes-storage-policy - name: defaultStorageClass value: tmm-kubernetes-storage-policy - name: vmClass value: ${input.controlPlaneVmClassName} - name: storageClass value: tmm-kubernetes-storage-policy controlPlane: replicas: ${input.controlPlaneCount} metadata: annotations: os-name=photon workers: machineDeployments: - class: node-pool name: ${input.tkg_Name}-nodepool replicas: ${input.workerCount} metadata: annotations: os-name=photon variables: overrides: - name: vmClass value: ${input.workerVmClassName}
formatVersion: 1 inputs: {} resources: vm: type: CCI.Supervisor.Resource properties: context: ${} manifest: apiVersion: kind: VirtualMachine metadata: finalizers: - generation: 1 labels: vm-selector: vm-2rfx name: vm-2rfx spec: className: best-effort-xsmall imageName: vmi-c3d184be88e1af1cd networkInterfaces: - networkType: nsx-t powerOffMode: hard powerState: poweredOn restartMode: hard storageClass: vsan-default-storage-policy suspendMode: hard wait: conditions: - type: VirtualMachinePrereqReady status: "False" reason: VirtualMachineImageNotReady indicatesFailure: true
TKG Resource example
- To bind a TKG resource to a TKG cluster, you map the ID of the supervisor TKG Cluster resource with the context property, for example context: ${}.
- If you are creating a namespace within a TKG resource named cciTKGNamespace for example, you can bind a TKG resource to the namespace by inserting the name of the TKG resource in the context property or context: ${}.
- The Kubernetes manifest that is passed within the resource properties specifies the type of the Kubernetes object to provision.
... tkgSecret: type: CCI.TKG.Resource properties: context: ${} manifest: apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: nvaie-apikey type: Opaque data: username: KM9hdCCodG9rZW4= password: ${base64_encode(input.password)} ...
Adding a wait property
- Field Wait: List of fields where each field can be configured with a property path and a value. The value must be matched before the resource is considered completed.
- Condition Wait: List of conditions that indicate success or failure of resource creation.
... wait: fields: - path: status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip value: "*" ...