You can use the XML plug-in to run workflows that create and modify XML documents.

The XML plug-in adds an implementation of a Document Object Model (DOM) XML parser to the Automation Orchestrator JavaScript API. The XML plug-in also provides some sample workflows to demonstrate how you can create and modify XML documents from workflows.

Alternatively, you can use the ECMAScript for XML (E4X) implementation in the Automation Orchestrator JavaScript API to process XML documents directly in JavaScript. For an E4X scripting example, see Developing Workflows with Automation Orchestrator.

For information about E4X, go to the website of the organization that maintains the ECMA-357 standard.

Running the XML Plug-In Sample Workflows

You can run the XML plug-in sample workflows from the Automation Orchestrator Client to create and modify XML documents for testing purposes.

The workflows can create, read, or modify files, so you must have sufficient access rights to the working directory.

Orchestrator has read, write, and execute rights to a folder named orchestrator, at the root of the server system. Although workflows have permission to read, write, and execute in this folder, you must create the folder on the server system. If you use the Orchestrator Appliance, the folder is named vco and is located at /var/run/vco.

You can allow access to other folders by changing the settings for server file system access from workflows and JavaScript. See Installing and Configuring Automation Orchestrator, Setting Server File System Access from Workflows and Actions.