As needs expand, you can scale out a VMware Aria Automation deployment from one node to three nodes.

You must use features of VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle to complete many steps of this procedure. For information about working with VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle installation, upgrade, and management, see VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle product documentation.

If you are using a three node clustered deployment, VMware Aria Automation can typically withstand the failure of one node and still function. The failure of two nodes in a three node cluster will render VMware Aria Automation non-functional.


This procedure assumes that you already have a functioning single node VMware Aria Automation deployment.


  1. Shut down all VMware Aria Automation appliances.
    To shut down the VMware Aria Automation services on all cluster nodes, run the following set of commands.
    sleep 120
    /opt/scripts/ --onlyClean

    Now you can shut down the VMware Aria Automation appliances.

  2. Take a deployment snapshot.

    Use the Create Snapshot option in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle by selecting Lifecycle Operations > Environments > vRA > View Details.

    Note: Online snapshots, taken without shutting down VMware Aria Automation nodes, are supported.
  3. Power on the VMware Aria Automation appliance and bring up all containers.
  4. Using the Locker functionality located in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle at Locker > Certificates, generate or import VMware Aria Automation certificates for all components, including VMware Aria Automation node FQDNs and the VMware Aria Automation load balancer FQDN.
    Add the names of all three appliances in the Subject Alternative Names.
  5. Import the new certificate into VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
  6. Replace the existing VMware Aria Automation certificate with the one generated in the previous step using the Lifecycle Operations > Environments > vRA > View Details > Replace Certificate option in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.
  7. Scale out VMware Aria Automation to three nodes using the Add Components option in VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle by selecting Lifecycle Operations > Environments > vRA > View Details.
    Note: If your VMware Aria Automation deployment is patched, refer to the workaround in KB 96619.


VMware Aria Automation has been scaled to a three node deployment.