You can configure Automation Orchestrator to send your logging information to one remote syslog server.

The vracli remote-syslog set command is used to create a syslog integration or overwrite existing integrations.

The Automation Orchestrator remote syslog integration supports three connection types:

  • Over UDP.
  • Over TCP without TLS.
    Note: To create a syslog integration without using TLS, add the --disable-ssl flag to the vracli remote-syslog set command.
  • Over TCP with TLS.

For information on configuring a logging integration with Operations for Logs, go to Configure Logging Integration with Operations for Logs.


Configure a remote syslog server.


  1. Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Appliance command line as root.
  2. To create an integration to a syslog server, run the vracli remote-syslog set command.
    vracli remote-syslog set -id name_of_integration protocol_type://syslog_URL_or_FQDN:syslog_port
    Note: If you do not enter a port in the vracli remote-syslog set command, the port value defaults to 514.
    Note: You can add a certificate to the syslog configuration. To add a certificate file, use the --ca-file flag. To add a certificate as plaintext, use the --ca-cert flag.
  3. (Optional) To overwrite an existing syslog integration, run the vracli remote-syslog set and set the -id flag value to the name of the integration you want to overwrite.
    Note: By default, the Automation Orchestrator Appliance requests that you confirm that you want to overwrite the syslog integration. To skip the confirmation request, add the -f or --force flag to the vracli remote-syslog set command.

What to do next

To review the current syslog integrations in the appliance, run the vracli remote-syslog command.