You can import TLS certificates by running a workflow from the Configuration plug-in or by using the REST API.
You can import a trusted certificate from a file or a URL. See Import a Trusted Certificate with the Control Center
- Make a GET request at the URL of the Workflow service.
Option Description Import trusted certificate from a file Imports a trusted certificate from a file. Import trusted certificate from URL Imports a trusted certificate from a URL address. Import trusted certificate from URL using proxy server Imports a trusted certificate from a URL address by using a proxy server. Import trusted certificate from URL with certificate alias Imports a trusted certificate with a certificate alias, from a URL address. To import a trusted certificate from a file, make the following GET request:GET https://{orchestrator_host}:{port}/vco/api/workflows?conditions=name=Import trusted certificate from a file
- Retrieve the definition of the workflow by making a GET request at the URL of the definition.
To retrieve the definition of the Import trusted certificate from a file workflow, make the following GET request:
GET https://{orchestrator_host}:{port}/vco/api/workflows/93a7bb21-0255-4750-9293-2437abe9d2e5
- Make a POST request at the URL that holds the execution objects of the workflow.
For the Import trusted certificate from a file workflow, make the following POST request:
POST https://{orchestrator_host}:{port}/vco/api/workflows/93a7bb21-0255-4750-9293-2437abe9d2e5/executions
- Provide values for the input parameters of the workflow in an execution-context element of the request body.
Parameter Description cer The CER file from which you want to import the TLS certificate.
This parameter is applicable for the Import trusted certificate from a file workflow.
url The URL from which you want to import the TLS certificate. For non-HTPS services, the supported format is IP_address_or_DNS_name:port.
This parameter is applicable for the Import trusted certificate from URL workflow.