Your system must meet the technical requirements that are necessary for Automation Orchestrator to work properly.

For a list of the supported versions of vCenter, the vSphere Web Client, VMware Aria Automation, and other VMware solutions, see VMware Product Interoperability Matrix.
Note: Automation Orchestrator does not support changing the time zone of the Automation Orchestrator Appliance to a time zone other than UTC+0.

Automation Orchestrator Appliance Components

The Automation Orchestrator Appliance is a Photon-based virtual appliance running in containers.

The Automation Orchestrator Appliance includes the following components:

  • An infrastructure level Kubernetes layer.
  • A preconfigured PostgreSQL database.
  • The core Automation Orchestrator services: the server service, Control Center service, and orchestration UI service.
    Note: The Control Center service is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The default Automation Orchestrator Appliance database configuration is production ready.

Note: To use the Automation Orchestrator Appliance, you must configure the Automation Orchestrator server to authenticate through VMware Aria Automation or vSphere.See Configuring a Standalone Automation Orchestrator Server.

Hardware requirements

The Automation Orchestrator Appliance is a preconfigured Photon-based virtual machine that runs in containers. Before you deploy the appliance, verify that your system meets the minimum hardware requirements.

The Automation Orchestrator Appliance has the following hardware requirements:

  • 4 CPUs
  • 12 GB of memory
  • 200 GB hard disk

Do not reduce the default memory size, because the Automation Orchestrator server requires at least 8 GB of free memory.

Scalability Maximums

The scalability limit table outlines the recommended maximums on Automation Orchestrator deployments.


Scale targets More information
Virtual machines 35,000
vCenter connections 10 See vCenter setup
Active nodes in a cluster 3 See Configure an Automation Orchestrator cluster
Concurrent running workflows 300 per node See Configuring the Workflow Run Properties
Queued running workflows 10,000 per node
Preserved workflow runs 100 per workflow
Log event expiration days 15

Network Requirements for Automation Orchestrator

Each Automation Orchestrator node requires a network setup.

The network requirements for Automation Orchestrator are:
  • Single, static IPv4 and Network Address
  • Reachable DNS server set manually
  • Valid fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) set manually that can be resolved both forward and in reverse through the DNS server
Note: IP address change or hostname change after installation is not supported and results in a broken setup that is not recoverable.

Ports and Endpoints

The Automation Orchestrator Kubernetes service includes two endpoints and several main network ports.

Network Ports

You can access Automation Orchestrator over port 443. The 443 port is secured with a self-signed certificate that is generated during the installation. When using an external load balancer, it must be set up to balance on port 443.

To view all Automation Orchestrator ports, refer to the Ports and Protocols tool.


You can access the Automation Orchestrator client and Control Center services at the following endpoints.
Service Endpoint
Automation Orchestrator Client
Control Center
Note: The Control Center service is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Supported browsers

Confirm that your browsers support Automation Orchestrator.

To access the Automation Orchestrator Client and Control Center, you must use one of the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome

Level of Internationalization and Localization Support

The Automation Orchestrator Control Center and Automation Orchestrator Client include support for non-English operating systems, non-English data formatting, and multi-language support for the Control Center and client user interface.

The Automation Orchestrator Control Center and Automation Orchestrator Client support the use of non-English operating systems, non-English input and output, and support for non-English formatting of data such as dates, time, and numbers.

The user interfaces of the Automation Orchestrator and Automation Orchestrator Client are localized to the following languages:

  • Spanish
  • French
  • German
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Russian