You can add queries to registered SNMP devices, run, copy, and edit existing queries, and remove queries from SNMP devices. You can use SNMP queries as building blocks in more complex workflows.

Query Management Workflows

The Query Management workflow category contains workflows that allow you to manage SNMP queries.

To access these workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client, navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the snmp and query_management tags in the workflow search box.

Workflow Name Description
Add a query to an SNMP device Adds a query to an SNMP device.
Copy an SNMP query Copies an SNMP query from one device to another.
Edit an SNMP query Edits an existing SNMP query.
Remove a query from an SNMP device Removes an SNMP query from a device.
Run an SNMP query Runs a query against an SNMP device.

Add a Query to an SNMP Device

You can run a workflow to add a query to an SNMP device from the plug-in inventory.


  • Verify that you are logged in to the Automation Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
  • Verify that you have a connection to an SNMP device from the Inventory view.


  1. Navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the snmp and query_management tags in the workflow search box.
  2. Locate the Add a query to an SNMP device workflow and click Run.
  3. Select the device to which you want to add the query.
  4. From the Type drop-down menu, select the query type.
  5. In the OID text box, enter the object identifier of the variable that you want to query.
    The following are example OID values.
    • .
    • iso.
    Note: The plug-in supports only OID values that are numerical or that begin with iso and continue with numbers.
  6. (Optional) In the Name text box, enter a name for the query.
    If you leave the text box blank, the type and OID parameters are used to generate a name automatically.
  7. Click Run.

What to do next

You can run workflows on the query from the Inventory view.